Alan Burlison wrote:
> Bonnie Corwin wrote:
>>> I've put a reference to os-help in the top of the page, but I don't 
>>> know how you change the order of the forums in the list below...
>> You can't change the list of forums easily as it is auto-generated. 
>> Looking into that can go on the list of things to do but realistically 
>> it won't be changed any time soon.
> Yeah, and I of all people should have figured that would be the case ;-)

Sure you can. It's just a simple tweak in the Jive admin. I've gone ahead and
changed the order now, but there might be a more optimal configuration - it's a
bit of a pain in the arse to do, but totally possible [1].


[1] And if necessary I'll volunteer for being the chump to re-order it ;)
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