>> From the OS X terminal, does "smbclient -L solarishostname" show the
>> shares on the opensolaris box?
> Thank you for your pointer, the error message is a bit strange. First
> the opensolaris-install rozetta:
> brage~%>smbclient -L rozetta
> Password:
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

Your OS X username matches the opensolaris username right?

Does smbclient -L work on the opensolaris box?

   % smbclient -L localhost

What does your opensolaris samba log show when this happens?


My samba password is 6 characters long.


> Then our FreeBSD-server zetta:
> brage~%>smbclient -L zetta
> Password:
> Domain=[ZETTA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.26a]
>       Sharename       Type      Comment
>       ---------       ----      -------
>       IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Zetta Samba Server)
>       claus           Disk      Home Directories
> Domain=[ZETTA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.26a]
>       Server               Comment
>       ---------            -------
>       ZETTA                Zetta Samba Server
> The release on the opensolaris is 3.0.25b.
> Do I have to enable other services other than samba? The initial
> install is using a dhcp-assigned address. When I changed it to a
> static ip-address I did the following changes to opensolaris:
> /etc/nwam/llp:
> bge0  static
> #bge1  dhcp
> /etc/hosts:
>       localhost       rozetta loghost rozetta.eurofoto.no
>   localhost       rozetta loghost rozetta.eurofoto.no
> /etc/defaultrouter:
> /etc/nodename:
> rozetta
> Copy /etc/nsswitch.dns to /etc/nsswitch.conf.
> svcadm enable svc:/network/dns/client
> Thank you for your suggestions.
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