I have spent more than 1 hours to read all your mails. It's really  
intersting and I'm not sure of what I was expecting from OpenSolaris  
project regarding distros.

        I did got to bed last night with "Indiana name discussion" in mind.

Le 1 nov. 07 à 03:01, Dennis Clarke a écrit :

> So why not just create something that runs and call it OpenSolaris  
> and then
> we are done with the confusion.  There are bigger battles to fight  
> than word
> games.

        Sure. But this is really important. I mean, when I try to convince  
people to take a look to OpenSolaris, every word seems to be important.
        It's a fact that many people would be more comfortable if they could  
install "THE OpenSolaris".  But for many other, the word "Sun" like in  
Nevada description is much more important.
        OpenSource geeks would prefer the best world....open....usable....etc

        For sure, when people are saying : "Well, let's try to install  
OpenSolaris", they can't ! And it's a good thing, they have to use  
their mind for 30 seconds and chose a distro...and then they have a  
chance to understand that OpenSolaris is MORE than a distro.
        We must not be able to answer "What is OpenSolaris ?" with "Oh, it's  
just a new distribution, like Mandriva".

        The words "reference distro" is a better concept.

Could someone please answer to this simple question :

                Indiana Community distro or Sun distro
                I completely agree the fact Sun folks could work on community  
projects, and even if no outside people worked with them, the project  
could be named "community effort". I have no problem with that.     
But, the whole project should be available to the community.
                Concerning Indiana, is it another "Express mouture" with 
technology that has not been published in the OpenSolaris source base"  
or is it a complete community distro ?

        Nicolas Dorfsman
        GUSES member (French speaking OSUG)
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