Shawn Walker writes:
> #3 I don't agree with at all. As the trademark holder, Sun should get
> to decide whether or not a core distribution exists.

They can certainly do that.  If they do so without taking into account
the wishes of the community, they can do that too, though the results
may be tragic.

Regardless of what they do here, the OGB (and not Sun!) gets to decide
matters of day-to-day operation within the community, and the
community itself must decide community-wide matters.

If you honestly feel that Sun gets to make choices on behalf of (and
in the name of) the community, and thus we shouldn't even be
discussing matters that are of community-wide interest, then I think
we're done here.  There's no common ground.

> In fact, I'd argue, without their ability to make that decision, what
> financial incentive do they have to support it?

At least in the context of the OGB, I don't think it matters.  Why Sun
chose to give up the source code and the control to an outside body,
and how it plans to make money of the deal, are Sun's own issues.  I
don't think we can or should debate them here.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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