> This is one of those "oh I never knew that but wish I
> did topics" so I
> figured I would make it into a thread and then see
> what we can learn from
> each other.

Check this out:

System Administration Commands                    cfgadm_scsi(1M)

     cfgadm_scsi - SCSI hardware specific commands for cfgadm
     The SCSI hardware specific library /usr/lib/cfgadm/scsi.so.1
     provides the functionality for SCSI hot-plugging through the
     cfgadm(1M) command.
The  receptacle  and occupant state for
     attachment points at the SCSI controller have the  following

         bus quiesced (I/O activity on bus is suspended)


         bus active
     The corresponding states for individual SCSI devices are:

         bus to which the device is attached is quiesced


         bus to which device is attached is active
     cfgadm defines several types of operations  besides  listing
     (-l).These operations include testing, (-t), invoking confi-
     guration state changes,  (-c),  invoking  hardware  specific
     functions  (-x),  and obtaining configuration administration
     help messages (-h).

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 21 Sept 2005                   3

System Administration Commands                    cfgadm_scsi(1M)

     -c function             The following generic  commands  are
                             defined   for   the   SCSI  hardware
                             specific library:

                             For   SCSI   controller   attachment
                             points,  the following configuration
                             state  change  operations  are  sup-

                             connect         Unquiesce  the  SCSI

                             disconnect      Quiesce   the    bus
                                             (suspend         I/O
                                             activity on bus).

                                             Incorrect   use   of
                                             this   command   can
                                             cause the system  to
                                             hang. See NOTES.
     The disconnect (quiesce) operation is not supported on  con-
     trollers  which control disks containing critical partitions

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 21 Sept 2005                   8

System Administration Commands                    cfgadm_scsi(1M)

     such as root (/), /usr, swap, or /var. The disconnect opera-
     tion  should not be attempted on such controllers. Incorrect
     usage can result in a system hang and require a reboot.

     Hotplugging operations are not supported by  all  SCSI  con-

     The connectors on some SCSI devices do not conform  to  SCSI
     hotplug  specifications.  Performing  hotplug  operations on
     such devices can cause damage to the hardware  on  the  SCSI
     bus.  Refer  to your hardware manual for additional informa-

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 21 Sept 2005                   9
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