> I have a question... Is there any plan to integrate
> PulseAudio as the sound server in Solaris?
> I have been searching around forums and mailing lists
> and still didn't find anything about this... but it's
> becoming kind of the standard in the big linux
> distros (and GNOME) and it might be useful for
> solaris as well..
> from the webpage ( http://www.pulseaudio.org/ ) :
> "PulseAudio is a sound server for POSIX and Win32
> systems. A sound server is basically a proxy for your
> sound applications. It allows you to do advanced
> operations on your sound data as it passes between
> your application and your hardware. Things like
> transferring the audio to a different machine,
> changing the sample format or channel count and
> mixing several sounds into one are easily achieved
> using a sound server."
> and here are some of the announcements or projects of
> pulseaudio in the distros: 
> Fedora:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeaturePulseaud
> io
> Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/pulseaudio
> openSUSE:
> http://dev.compiz-fusion.org/~cyberorg/2007/11/22/puls
> eaudio-compiz-for-sound-on-opensuse/
> Mandriva:
> http://www.happyassassin.net/2007/12/05/pulseaudio-for
> -20081/

The problem with network based audio servers is that there are so many to choose
from, and a number of them don't seem to have survived the test of time:

* MAS   http://www.mediaapplicationserver.net/indexframes.html
  apparently inactive; at one time, claimed to be part of the
  path to eventual audio integration into X-Windows itself

* NAS http://www.radscan.com/nas.html

* ESD ???
  active (sort of)

* Phonon http://phonon.kde.org/

* aRts  http://www.arts-project.org/

* JACK http://jackaudio.org/
  plus NetJack http://netjack.sourceforge.net/

and somewhat different,

* X11 Audio Extension  http://www.chaoticmind.net/~hcb/murx/xaudio/
  (relatively new?)

(I probably left out some, too...)

To make it available on a very uncommitted (downright experimental) basis,
in case there are app that work best (or only) with it, might _maybe_ not
be a bad idea.  But I think things are probably a long way from consensus,
and I _know_ I'm not qualified to make an architectual evaluation of the
various alternatives.  All I know is that I want as many audio (including MIDI),
multimedia, and related apps to work on Solaris as possible, without waiting
for consensus to be reached as to the One True Audio Solution; while at the
same time hoping that consensus, effort, and application support will eventually
coalesce around the alternative with the greatest potential.  But on that last 
I'm not very optimistic, remembering VHS vs Beta, or looking at the current 
Blu-Ray vs HD DVD.
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