>> >It seems that PSARC discussions are not taken for serious....
>> Why would you conclude that?
>> It's very simple, Joerg, first to integrate wins.
>WRONG: in the OSS world the first user os a name wins and the imagemagick name 
>is thus illegal.

Says who?  And who keeps the record or registry?

Things not in Solaris, BTW, are generally irrelevant to PSARC discussions.

>> If you want to rename compare you will need to take this up with
>> the ImageMagick folks.
>They ignore mail. This is not fair!

Life is not fair, get over it.

>Because if Sun does not rename the image magick program Sun verifies that 
>PSARC discussions are just to fool people but do not have useful resaults.

Remember Joerg, being listened to is NOT the same as getting your way.


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