> Hi!

Yes, hello.

> Then, "Unix Admin" asked mumbled

I don't mumble, and what I asked turned out to pertain to the paragraph I'm 
going to quote from you, below. I know why I asked what I asked, and I turned 
out to be correct:

> something about
> whether we might want to install Solaris on my
> machines. Thanks, but no thanks. I already got a good
> operating system, which is called "Fedora", and its
> audio system is what I am payed to work on by Red
> Hat.

Typical. Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype.
Be that as it might, luckily for us Solaris users, you have a competition in 
the form of OSS. Now, OSS might not do what you claim, but to put it bluntly, 
it does support what end users need, which is sound.

Or to put it even more bluntly: you don't want to run Solaris, well guess what? 
Shame, but luckily we don't need you either, since you're not the only game in 
town, and don't have the monopoly on providing audio capabilities.
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