On Feb 13, 2008 10:35 PM, Brian Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Based on Sun's recent decisions, it has become clear to me that Sun has
> exercised their right to break the illusion that OpenSolaris is a community
> run project. (It is rather, a "community influenced" project). I'm sure
> Sun's executives have discussed this, and have convinced themselves that
> this is "best for the community, and best for Sun". However, this does not
> change the fact that the OpenSolaris community (directly or indirectly
> through it's elected representational body the OGB) does not have control
> over it's own website or name.

The community was never given control over their trademarks.

As such, I don't see how Sun exercising their trademark rights ==
community dissolution as you suggest.

Until I see an action by Sun that is contrary to a decision made by a
Community Group over an area that is not within Sun's control, I will
have to disagree with your conclusion.

>  I am willing to work towards making this happen, but I am not willing, or
> able, to do so alone.

I think your actions are divisive. Since your are a member of the
Advocacy Community Group, I would think you would want to discourage,
not encourage the fragmentation of our community.

This silly battle over a trademark that is Sun's to control seems a
waste of time at best when there are far more important and valuable
things to be doing.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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