On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Brian Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  5) We are independent. Decisions within the project are made
>  independently from those concerning Sun's business. Sun's management
>  controls the business aspects of the Solaris product, but will not
>  exert undue influence within the OpenSolaris community.
>  Ask yourself are they being followed?

Yes, they are, as well as human beings can be expected to follow them.

>  Time and time again #5 is betrayed, and people seem to not care. I

No, it isn't.

The community is independent in its decisions over the things it controls.

It does *not* control anything related to trademarks.

>  believe in these principles. This isn't a "silly argument about a
>  name", it is a discussion about  what we stand for. Sun's recent
>  actions, on multiple fronts, work in direct opposition to #5.

It is a silly argument because Sun has every right to the name and we
were never given the right to control it.

You are trying to assert that the community controls something that
they do not own.

You are confusing property ownership of a trademark with an
independent community.

Control over a trademark is not necessary for an independent community
to function.

If the community wanted that, they should have asked for that control
at the beginning via delegation or insisted on a non-profit

>  Please note the very clear distinction between Sun's Solaris product,
>  and OpenSolaris. "We are independent. Decisions within the project are
>  made independently from those concerning Sun's business. Sun's
>  management controls the business aspects of the Solaris product, but
>  will not exert undue influence within the OpenSolaris community."
>  I  hope and pray that Sun gets religion, and agrees to live by these
>  principles. I hope we all at least try.

To me they are as best as I can expect right now. I don't believe some
things should have taken so long, but they are in progress and that is
good enough for me.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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