Dennis Clarke writes:
> > What exactly will it take to make it clear that the legal rules here
> > are *NOT* of Sun's making?
> Place a notice on the homepage of that tells the
> new user what the situation is.

That seems like a reasonable request to me.  There's already one on
the SDC (that's part of what that agreement does), but putting it
earlier seems like a fair idea to me.

>     (0) the SXCE/SXDE ISO's are inside a Sun server somewhere.
>         I could get them easily straight into my jumpstart server.
>         Life is good.
>     (1) SDLC makes some change without talking with the end user.
>     (2) The ability to do those rapid updates, easily, .. goes away.
>     (3) Talk about it on a maillist.

I think you missed step (3a): have the same question answered many
times in a row on the same thread, and still others rephrase the
question and reask it again.  It's an important step of the process in
creating a thread to nowhere.  :-/

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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