Ian Collins wrote:
Edwin Goei wrote:
Shawn Walker wrote:
On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Edwin Goei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to install SXDE 1/08 into a VMware Fusion virtual machine on my mac. When I run the new installer, it appears that I can 
"Use the whole disk" but after the install, the disk has multiple partitions anyway. Instead, I'd like to have a single partition 
for "root" and other required partitions like "swap" and "boot". The reason is because I need to install 
software in "/opt" and "/export" which will all go into the root partition which isn't big enough. Any ideas?

Did you use the new installer in SXDE?

If so, shouldn't you have just one main partition with several zfs filesystems?

I did use the new installer. I'm not sure how to tell the FS type, but
I looked in /etc/vfstab and see UFS for "/", "/export/home", and
"/second/root". I don't see anything about ZFS. As a workaround, I am
planning to modify vfstab so that I move the mount point of
"/export/home" to "/export" instead.
Rather than do that, remove export/home from /etc/vfstab and create a
ZFS pool "export" on that slice.
Thanks for the info. I'm new to ZFS. What would the actual commands be? BTW, I successfully changed the mount point to "/export" and created a "home" that contained the original home dirs and rebooted and it worked.
The next question is how do I have that setting take effect preferably
without rebooting. I tried "umount /export/home" but that fails :-(.

Fails how?

I get an error that the filesystem is in use because I am logged in as a user with a home directory under /export/home.

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