> When I reboot, BootCamp sees the other partition, and > I can try to boot iit - but it goes to a black screen for a second or > two and then shows "Bad PBR sig" at the bottom. > I can't seem to find anything on Google. If anyone has tried this, I'd > love to know what I'm doing wrong here. > > Both BootCamp & rEFIt seem to be unable to boot it, > so I suspect GRUB hasn't been written out somehow?
The "Bad PBR Sig" error is from the disk's master boot record: http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/psm/stand/bootblks/ufs/i386/mboot.S The Solaris installer always places it's own version of the master boot record code into sector 0 of the install target disk. Solaris MBR code looks at the fdisk partition table wich is included with the MBR sector, searches the active partition, and reads the first sector from the active partition, using the sector offset that can be found in the fdisk entry. The bios disk device used to read the first partition sector for the active partition is always BIOS device 0x80! This comment in the MBR code gives some hints why MBR uses a hardcoded value of 0x80: http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/psm/stand/bootblks/ufs/i386/mboot.S#151 After it has read the active paritition's first sector MBR checks if this is a valid partition boot record (PBR), by checking the signature word at the end of the sector. If it doesn't find the expected magic signature word 0xAA55, the error message "Bad PBR Sig" is reported and booting stops: http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/psm/stand/bootblks/ufs/i386/mboot.S#315 My guess is that you're somehow booting from a BIOS device != device 0x80 (Drive "C:"), and Solaris' MBR ignores the bios boot device passed as argument to the MBR code and instead continues trying to boot from the hardcoded device 0x80, Drive "C:", but using the active partition offset from the other disk's MBR. That random sector does have the required PBR signature word, and booting stops. IIRC, the last time I experimented with an iMac I always had to boot from the installation DVD, and tell the GRUB from the installation DVD to use the root filesystem from the hdd and load the kernel and boot archive from there... This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ opensolaris-discuss mailing list opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org