On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Runar Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am in need of a NAS at home, I am currently running Linux (ubuntu), but I 
> would like to have a look at opensolaris and especially ZFS and Zones. My 
> problem is that I don't really know what hardware to buy, since the HCL 
> (http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl) does not contain the hardware I want to 
> run...
>  What I want is something like this:
>  CPU: AMD (I like to go with the underdogs, and they need any support they 
> can get ATM.). Dual core, max TDP 65W (or quad if I find a cheap quad within 
> 65W)
>  MoBo: MicroATX, preferrably AM2+ and with 6 s-ata connectors and support of 
> at least 8GB RAM.
>  S-ATA controller: Something really cheap, most likely with a SiL3114 chip.
>  I was hoping that the AMD 780G chipset would be supported, but according to 
> this forum-posting 
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=215350 nothing is 
> known: "As soon as ATI releases an open source driver, or enough information
>  to the open source developers so they can make a driver, we'll have
>  Solaris support. I have no idea if or when either of those are
>  likely to happen though."
>  There is AFAIK Linux support for the 780G chipset, at least according to 
> Phoronix: 
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_780g_linux&num=1 So if 
> I read that post correctly, there should be support for 780G on opensolaris 
> as well pretty soon?
>  I don't need 3D support, the important thing is that the s-ata controller, 
> network, and other essential parts are supported.
>  I have not been able to find conclusive results regarding opensolaris and 
> cheap S-ATA controllers either, all I know is that there has been success 
> with some SiL3114 controllers if you flash the bios of the controller with 
> the "non-SATARAID bios":
>  http://blogs.sun.com/PlasticPixel/entry/build_your_own_multi_terabyte
>  And last: I don't know which version of opensolaris to try:
>  * OpenSolaris Developer Preview?
>  * Solaris Express Community Edition
>  * Solaris Express Developer Edition
>  --
>  * NexentaOS

Get the free NexentaStor Developer Edition. Full NAS, management, etc.

>  I will be running 64 bit and would like a fairly stable release, but with 
> the latest drivers. My main use is as a NAS (Networked Attached Storage) 
> server for all my media-files, backup for my laptop, svn server and perhaps 
> also (if I get the rigth speed) where I store my personal (family-)videos 
> while editing them (I have 1 GB-Lan at home). I'm not sure if I will be 
> sharing only via samba or via samba/cifs and nfs. (One of the clients is a 
> winxp box, I still have not managed to convert my wife :( ) (Or sharing via 
> some other means I am not aware of ATM.)
>  Since I am not a solaris developer, is the Solaris Express Community Edition 
> the one I should go for? I don't know if it is me there is something wrong 
> with, but I don't understand the difference between each distro from what is 
> written on the download-page:
>  http://www.opensolaris.org/os/downloads/
>  Thus my questions on what "distro" to pick.
>  Any advice is greatly appreciated! :)
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