
i just felt like venting out here

i would first like to say some of you have been helpful.
Yet some of you are ignorant,Self centered  and unfriendly.

i told you i am new to Solaris and i have been using BSD for a while.
and you have this attitude that says well lets give her something hard to do
lets show her how complex we guys think so that she will just give up. 

i never gave up in my life and never quit anything no matter
how hard people tried to make me quit.

If you insult me you insult my Guru friend FMJ from BSD and here as well.

Some of you instead of trying to help me step by step you throw things at me
while showing off how much smarter you think you are,
i hope there is someone kind enough here to actually help me.
The war is over!
People in the BSD forums are not like that
They dont treat me like that.and dont test me either.

My friend FMJ has been helping me for a long time
from BSD and i believe he has a few articles and posts here.
A few articles and Posts on here as well

Also you keep telling me about Belenix (Ubuntu faced) OS and how great it is.
Like its the greatest OS since sliced bread.

i dont want to use Belenix to me its Garbage ok?
Geos from te commodre 64 acted better then that.

i dont care if you dont like my comments either i tell it like it is

i dont care if you throw me off the forums either

i would like a little help here 
getting my Solaris 10 (((NOT BELENIX))
to read my ONE NTFS Drive (Properly)
So i can move those files to my SATA UFS Formatted Drives.

So Far the software im using does nto read all my fiels and folders
75% of them look like they are not there

i am using this software

Package FSWmisc now mounts NTFS partitions directly. No special mount_ntfs 
program required. It is based on Martin Rosenau's

Can you show me a different package with instructions?
The last person who helped me pointed me to a package i have top compile
and i dont know how to do any of that,

i am use to using packages and Ports on the BSD System

Also i had done fdisk and partiton and want to make sure i have done it 
i gave root about 475.7gb and swap at least 256 megs if that is corect?

i did not want to use /usr 6 as i wanted the files to be root only operated.

Anyways Thank You for listening to me
If my typing or spelling is incorrect please forgive me
i have a little dislexia,

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