Calum Benson wrote:
> On 4 Jun 2008, at 21:10, Aaron Wilson wrote:
>> Good point.
>> Is there way to tell if I'm currently using Motif?
> Ah, Pro/E Wildifire... that brings back memories, I used to work for  
> PTC :)  (But not on Pro/E...)
> One way to tell if an application depends on Motif would be to run:
>       ldd /path/to/application | grep
> and see if you get any output; if you do, the app depends on the Motif  
> library.  (Be sure to run the ldd command on the actual application  
> binary rather than any wrapper script that might be used to launch it,  
> though.)
> Cheeri,
> Calum.
Here is the output for Wildfire 4:

$ ldd /Disk1/Binaries/Pro_Engineer/WildFire_4/sun_solaris_x64/obj/pro | 
grep =>    /usr/dt/lib/64/

So it looks like it still uses Motif.

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