I'm an XP user, and i'm trying to get away from it. I though using OpenSolaris 
would be a good idea.
I partitioned my harddrive for a multiboot of both XP and OpenSolaris.
I ordered the LiveCD and after playing around, decided to install it on my new 
partition. Going through the installation steps it asked me for a root 
password, as well as my name, username etc. After installation i attempted to 
install OpenOffice, as i use it on my XP. I downloaded the *.tar.bz2, extracted 
-- etc, it wouldn't let me install it.

(by the way, you guys have to make an easier way to install files! Windows, 
although not the best OS, uses *.exe which does all the work for you. 
OpenSolaris and GNOME should either have an equivalent format or a program 
which installs a *.tar.gz / *.tar.bz2 file -- because i still don't understand 
how to install, and I'm very computer literate)

After searching arounf the WEB for a while, i found out i need to move the 
files into this certain directory. It said i didn't have access to it. I went 
to users admin, and gave myself full stats, every check-box checked, after 'ok' 
ing it all it came up with the same message. I check and for some reason User 
admin didn't save all my ticks. I went through the process several times and 
then it started saying i don't have access to User Admin! i needed a password 
and root autorisation etc. I typed in my password, nothing, typed in the root 
password i chose at instalation, nothing. I'm using a laptop, so i turned on 
capps, and number lock in sequences, to see i accidentally had one of them on. 
To check to see if the root password was correct i logged out. I attepted to 
login as root. Didn't work - but it obviouslt knew i got the password right 
because when i typed it in differently or wrong, it said 'username/password 
incorrect' but when i typed it in correctly, it gave me this wierd message.

Whats going on!
I gave myself full adminastive abilites and i could do anything!
I'm the only user!

Can anyone help, I'm open to suggestions, and especially wanting help from the 
core coders if they read these posts.

Either post back here, i might forget to check, so you can send me an email on: 

ps. i have tried re-installing it several times - still the same problem.
(stressing again -- jmake installing easier!!)

Matt Parnell
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