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Hugh McIntyre wrote:
| Matt Harrison wrote:
|> Kristian Rink wrote:
|> | Hmmmm, what kind of installation medium did you initially use to
|> install
|> | OpenSolaris from? IIRC the IPS facility (and thus the pkg command)
|> | was/is just included in more recent OpenSolaris builds, especially the
|> | Indiana TPs and OS 2008.05... Maybe your installation "just" was too
|> old
|> | to already have this tools included?
|> This machine was installed from an svn_89 dvd image that I downloaded
|> from the opensolaris.org site. I've got an svn_91 image here as well,
|> maybe its included on that?
| The "pkg" commands are only on OpenSolaris, e.g, the 2008.05 release.
| snv_89 or _91 is the classic Solaris version instead, so no "pkg"
| commands.  There's also no "updatemanager", since this is for patches on
| a released OS such as Solaris 10, not Nevada.  Instead, for snv_91,
| you're *supposed* to be able to either:
| - boot from a DVD of the snv_91 image and select an upgrade install.
| This may fail though if it thinks your system is not upgradable for
| whatever reason (which it may not explain).  Such as low disk space,
| corrupted package DB, for example.
| - or you can use "live upgrade" while the old OS is running.
| So I can't explain why the upgrade fails.  Maybe ask on the
| install-discuss mailing list, or opensolaris-help?  But the "pkg"
| command is definitely not going to work to upgrade snv_*.
| Hugh.

Hehe, I seem to have got a bit confused between OpenSolaris the
distribution and the SCXE which I'm running (just checked what I
actually downloaded).

I'm installing a new fileserver with CIFS/ZFS, is OpenSolaris (the
distro) going to work just as well or better than Nevada?

I'm only using a Nevada build as that is what was recommended on a ZFS
blog, who's instructions I was trying to follow.

Incidentally, I've managed to get the update option to work from snv_91
image, so it seems I do have an upgrade path of sorts should I decide to
stick with Nevada.

and for my previous posts s/svn/snv/g. Just out of interest what does
snv stand for, "sun version"? I always thought it was the svn revision


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Matt Harrison
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)

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