On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Kristian Rink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dennis Clarke schrieb:
> [...]
>>> >> Perhaps I'm missing the point, but I thought that's exactly what the
>>> >> OpenSolaris distribution (and IPS repository) folks were attempting to
>>> >> do.
>> >
>> > Thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking.
> [...]
> Is it? I am not sure but if "keeping redundant binary packages managed"
> in terms of, say, having a full installment of GNOME in /usr/bin along
> with OpenSolaris and one in /opt/csw/ after installing a single
> GNOME-based application off blastwave, is the intention of IPS, I'll
> keep myself from pleading for it. Given that, however, i.e. the .deb
> package format is _way_ more powerful by now already, and also given
> that one of its fathers is now part of the OpenSolaris development
> community, I seriously doubt this is the idea of IPS. Feel free to
> correct me nevertheless. A "Provides" mechanism, along possibly with
> "virtual" packages like in Debian, seems a sane way, however it would
> need to then also be used by those building the packages, i.o.w. making
> blastwave "less standalone" and closer tied to the "main" distribution
> in case of OpenSolaris...
> Just my €0.02, of course...

here comes my dime


pkg works well for me at the moment and all we need now is a
non-overlapping tree of software to add on top of it. I even have a
handy pile of about 1800 software titles near by to draw from and a
whole build stack of servers.

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