I am failing to install flash archive of a solaris 8 02/04 running on
a netra t1. I can install the example solaris8-image.flar (optional
download from sun).

Here is the failed log

bash-3.00# more /var/tmp/engr-01.install.7078.log
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]       Log File: /var/tmp/engr-01.install.7078.log
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]        Product: Solaris 8 Containers 1.0
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]      Installer: solaris8 brand installer 1.22
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]           Zone: engr-01
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]           Path: /zones/solaris8
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008] Starting pre-installation tasks.
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008] Installation started for zone "engr-01"
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]         Source: /engr.flar
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]     Media Type: flash archive
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008]     Installing: This may take several minutes...
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008] cd /zones/solaris8/root &&
[Thu Aug  7 23:59:44 EDT 2008] do_flar < "/engr.flar"
uncompress: stdin: corrupt input
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:31 EDT 2008] Postprocessing: This may take several minutes...
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:31 EDT 2008] running: p2v  -u eug-engr-01
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:31 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Gathering information
about zone engr-01
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:31 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Creating mount points
touch: /zones/solaris8/root/etc/mnttab cannot create
chmod: WARNING: can't access /zones/solaris8/root/etc/mnttab
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:31 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Processing /etc/system
cp: cannot access /zones/solaris8/root/etc/system
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:32 EDT 2008]         Result: Postprocessing failed.
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:32 EDT 2008]
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:32 EDT 2008]         Result: *** Installation FAILED ***
[Fri Aug  8 00:01:32 EDT 2008]       Log File: /var/tmp/engr-01.install.7078.log

Here is the good log where installing from the example solaris 8 image
from SUN site that comes as optional download with solaris 8 container

bash-3.00# more /var/tmp/engr-01.install.5279.log
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]       Log File: /var/tmp/engr-01.install.5279.log
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]        Product: Solaris 8 Containers 1.0
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]      Installer: solaris8 brand installer 1.22
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]           Zone: engr-01
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]           Path: /zones/solaris8
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008] Starting pre-installation tasks.
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008] Installation started for zone "engr-01"
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]         Source: /tmp/solaris8-image.flar
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:12 EDT 2008]     Media Type: flash archive
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:13 EDT 2008]     Installing: This may take several minutes...
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:13 EDT 2008] cd /zones/solaris8/root &&
[Thu Aug  7 23:31:13 EDT 2008] do_flar < "/tmp/solaris8-image.flar"
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:28 EDT 2008]   Sanity Check: Passed.  Looks like a
Solaris 8 system.
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:28 EDT 2008] Postprocessing: This may take several minutes...
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:28 EDT 2008] running: p2v  -u eug-engr-01
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:28 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Gathering information
about zone eug-engr-01
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:29 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Creating mount points
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:30 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Processing /etc/system
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:30 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Booting zone to single user mode
[Thu Aug  7 23:35:48 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 20:35:49 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  109147-44
[Thu Aug  7 20:35:50 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  109147-44

Checking installed patches...
Patch 109147-44 has already been applied.
See patchadd(1M) for instructions.

Patchadd is terminating.
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:01 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  111023-03
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:02 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  111023-03

Checking installed patches...
Patch 111023-03 has already been applied.
See patchadd(1M) for instructions.

Patchadd is terminating.
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:08 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  111431-01
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:08 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  111431-01

Checking installed patches...
This patch is obsoleted by patch 108993-67 which has already
been applied to this system.

Patchadd is terminating.
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:13 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  112605-04
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:13 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  112605-04

Checking installed patches...
This patch is obsoleted by patch 108993-67 which has already
been applied to this system.

Patchadd is terminating.
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:20 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  112050-04
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:20 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  112050-04

Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)...
Installing patch packages...

Patch number 112050-04 has been successfully installed.
See /var/sadm/patch/112050-04/log for details

Patch packages installed:

[Thu Aug  7 20:36:45 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches:  Unpacking
patch:  109221-01
[Thu Aug  7 20:36:45 PDT 2008]         S20_apply_patches: Installing
patch:  109221-01

Checking installed patches...
This patch is obsoleted by patch 109318-39 which has already
been applied to this system.

Patchadd is terminating.
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:50 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module S31_fix_net
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:51 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module S32_fix_nfs
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:52 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:53 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:53 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:54 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:54 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Applying p2v module
[Thu Aug  7 23:36:55 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Performing zone sys-unconfig
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:27 EDT 2008]    Postprocess: Postprocessing successful.
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:27 EDT 2008]         Result: Postprocessing complete.
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]    Service Tag: Gathering information
about zone engr-01
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]    Service Tag: Adding service tag:
Solaris 8 Containers 1.0 added
Product instance URN=urn:st:801126fc-aceb-4fe5-931e-b55f8d2d3e15
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]    Service Tag: Operation successful.
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]         Result: Installation completed
[Thu Aug  7 23:37:28 EDT 2008]       Log File:

I noticed on the failed log it things my flash image is corrupted.

I used the following command to create the flash. I created flash
image million times. Should I use a different method instead
of `cpio' which is what flarcreate calls to create image? Is there
some patch may be for cpio on solaris 8 02/04 that needs
to be applied before creating the image?

cd /
flarcreate -S -n engr -c -x /opt/flash /opt/flash/engr.flar

I also tried like this (also one w/o compression)

flarcreate -R / -n engr -c -x /opt/flash /opt/flash/engr.flar

Asif Iqbal
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