For those interested.

    I am authorized to speak on behalf of Inc.

    All processes and infrastucture at is still in place
and, quite frankly, still running. The data in the DNS entries, the
community resources such as wiki's, subversion repositories and
multiple Solaris(tm) servers and Solaris(tm) Containers across a wide
spectrum of Solaris revs and architectures are all still in place
humming along.

    Once I resolve a few issues the doors are open to any responsible
community individual that wants to experiment, play, build software or
even just contribute docs or meet with like minded people.

    The corporate entity Inc. as well as the registered
trademarks ( Blastwave(tm) ) were created such that any community
individual may be able to engage customers, sell or resell services
marked with a recognized brandname as well as to ensure the long term
stability of the community resources. It was also created such that a
community board of directors may be formed which ensures legal
governance as well as a funds for operational concerns.

Dennis Clarke
CEO Inc.

Blastwave is a registered trademarks of Inc. in the
United States and Canada. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United
States and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open
Company, Ltd.

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