That is pretty much my impression as well, that even SXCE is a walking dead man.
I am okay with the SXDE/SXCE branches getting pruned as long as Sun provides a 
method to "live upgrade" from them to OpenSolaris.  If they fail to do that, 
then SXDE/SXCE users were abandoned.  The machine with SXDE is in use as a 
development server -- I can't just wipe it and reinstall openSolaris 2008/05 
(or /11)

Of course this is a fair comment.  The fact that SXDE was 3 or 4 builds behind 
the latest SXCE build did not bother people like me that are willing to wait 3 
or 4 months between upgrade possibilities.  I would not classify SDXE as 
"duplicate" work either -- while every SDXE has a corresponding SXCE build, 
only 1/6th or 1/8th of the SXCE have a corresponding SDXE build.  There was 
obviously a need for SXDE -- if SXCE was the answer for everyone, then SXDE 
never would have been created.  So I hear your position is that SXDE never 
provided any real value over SXCE anyone, so it's no loss.  I respectfully 

I don't know why we all need to speculate on what is going to happen on SXDE, 
SXCE, and opensolaris.  Is it too much to ask for somebody in charge to build a 
development roadmap that is both accurate, detailed (with real dates), and 
maintained?  Even if SXCE and openSolaris developers are two different groups, 
can't the be some visible synergy between them?  I'm on a discussion board at that is labeled "OpenSolaris Forums", yet when I bring up an 
issue the response is, "oh, we aren't that openSolaris, you want to talk to the 
other Opensolaris people".  What the hell?  Is the community fractured?  If it 
is, it should unite quickly because it's very confusing to the rest of us 
(outsiders) and not at all reassuring.
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