On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:58:32 -0400
Dave Miner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shawn Walker wrote:
> > John wrote:
> >> Ken,
> >> That is pretty much my impression as well, that even SXCE is a walking 
> >> dead man.
> >> I am okay with the SXDE/SXCE branches getting pruned as long as Sun 
> >> provides a method to "live upgrade" from them to OpenSolaris.  If they 
> >> fail to do that, then SXDE/SXCE users were abandoned.  The machine with 
> >> SXDE is in use as a development server -- I can't just wipe it and 
> >> reinstall openSolaris 2008/05 (or /11)
> > 
> > As has been noted in the past, the SXDE and SXCE releases were 
> > *development* releases.  That means that they were not fully supported 
> > releases.  That's my understanding anyway...
> > 
> I would state it a bit differently.

So let me try:

> SXDE was a repackaging of SXCE to provide a somewhat easier-to-install 
> platform for application development atop the OpenSolaris technology. 
> It was a stopgap until the distribution known as OpenSolaris (aka 
> Project Indiana) could be built, which is meant to be targeted more 
> directly at that market.

SXDE is dead, replaced by OpenSolaris. That OpenSolaris doesn't yet
meet the needs met by SXDE of people who didn't want a
Desktop/Development environment is unfortunate. No upgrade path from
SXDE to OpenSolaris has been provided; you'll have to roll your own.

> At this point in time we have no specific plans for upgrades from SXCE 
> to OpenSolaris.  That doesn't mean we won't, it just isn't a priority 
> for development of the distribution right now, as it's primarily 
> targeted at attracting people who haven't used Solaris before, who 
> obviously don't face this problem.  Sometime in 2009 we expect that the 
> OpenSolaris distro will supercede SXCE as the distro used by Sun's 
> engineering staff for development of OS technology.  It may be that 
> we'll need a transition/upgrade tool for that to happen, so we'll have 
> to think about this there.  There's a similar question of how (or 
> whether) to upgrade Solaris 10 users, which has mostly the same 
> technical problems, but the time frame for that is yet further out.  In 
> the meantime, Ed Pilatowicz posted a pretty detailed blog entry about 
> how to transition:

SXCE, while still breathing, is effectively dead, to be replaced by
OpenSolaris. The main push for OpenSolaris will still be as a
desktop/development platform into 2009.  It hasn't yet been decided
whether an upgrade path from either SXCE or Solaris 10 to OpenSolaris
will be provided, or you'll once again have to roll your own.

> The most helpful roadmap I can point you at is the one we discussed with 
> the community a couple of months ago, see the Overview presentation on
> http://www.genunix.org/wiki/index.php/Indiana#OpenSolaris_Community_Strategy_Planning_Meeting

The earliest hint of any plans to make OpenSolaris meet the needs that
SXDE met and SXCE meets of users who want something other than a
desktop/development environment is 2009.04, with a cryptic note about
"Target Enterprise market", but no details are available.

So it would seem that the options for people who want to run Solaris
in something other than Sun's internal desktop development
configuration would seem to be limited to things without a guaranteed
upgrade path, or waiting most of a year and hoping their needs are
covered by the rather vague statements about "Enterprise support". Why
do I think there are better options available if they're willing forgo

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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