
Tomorrow (Thursday, 11th of September) at 9:00 PST/16:00 UTC/17:00 GMT/18:00
CET, there will be an new free MySQL University Session.


MySQL University started as an internal training program for MySQL engineers,
to share and spread knowledge about their areas of expertise and has been
available to the public for quite some time now. It covers a wide range of
technical topics around the MySQL Server and usually takes place once per week.

For the first time, the presentation will not be performed by (former) MySQL
employees/developers, but by two of our "Sun Classic" colleagues: Jyri Virkki
(OpenSolaris Web Stack community lead) and Murthy Chintalapati (Sr Engineering
Manager, Web Stack development) will talk about the OpenSolaris Web Stack:


  OpenSolaris Web Stack is an OpenSolaris project and community building an
  integrated stack of popular open source web tier infrastructure technologies
  such as Apache HTTP server, MySQL, memcached, PHP and Ruby On Rails
  optimized for Solaris platform. This session introduces OpenSolaris Web
  Stack, its status and future development including addition of newer
  technologies such as lighttpd, Varnish etc., as well as the ease of use
  features for developers and deployers. We will also be discussing an
  experimental web stack IPS package repository and it could be leveraged to
  build and make available popular end user applications such as Drupal.

Please register for this session by filling in your name on the session
Wiki page. Registering is not required but appreciated. That Wiki page
also contains a section to post questions. Please use it!

MySQL University sessions are free to attend - all you need is an IRC client
(to post your questions and comments) and an audio player capable of playing
back an OGG audio stream, so you can listen to what is being said. See the
"Instructions for Attendees" on the MySQL University pages for more
information on how to log in and attend.


The audio stream will be recorded and published on the MySQL University pages
for later consumption, in case you can't make it or want to listen to a
previous session.

See http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/MySQL_University#Upcoming_Sessions for
the complete list of upcoming University sessions.

 Lenz Grimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             -o)
 [ICQ: 160767607 | Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                /\\
 http://www.lenzg.org/                                       V_V

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