
I'm using autofs for mounting samba shares and it all works great,
except that I'm unable to write to the mounted shares as a normal user.
I have to use pfexec instead, which works fine.  Is it even possible to
write to an automounted smbfs as a normal user?  

I've read autofs, automount and automountd man pages and the relevant
sections of the Solaris CIFS Administration Guide[1] but couldn't find
anything about this.

Here's my current configuration:


/net            -hosts          -nosuid,nobrowse
/home           auto_home       -nobrowse
/x              auto_x          


vac -fstype=smbfs,gid=10,uid=101 //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/data

The share gets mounted in /x/vac with my uid and gid set correctly:

% ls -la /x/vac

dr-xr-xr-x 1 andrew  staff 16384 2008-09-16 13:25 .
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root    root      2 2008-09-16 13:35 ..
-r-xr-xr-x 1 andrew  staff     0 2008-09-16 13:25 test 

However, there is no writable bit set anywhere.  chmod doesn't work,
setting dirperms and fileperms in smbfs options didn't help either.  How
else can I change permissions on this mount point?

Many thanks,


[1] http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-2429/automountsharetask?a=view
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