Andrew Wasilczuk wrote:

> I'm using autofs for mounting samba shares and it all works great,
> except that I'm unable to write to the mounted shares as a normal user.
> I have to use pfexec instead, which works fine.  Is it even possible to
> write to an automounted smbfs as a normal user?  
> The share gets mounted in /x/vac with my uid and gid set correctly:
> % ls -la /x/vac
> dr-xr-xr-x 1 andrew  staff 16384 2008-09-16 13:25 .
> dr-xr-xr-x 2 root    root      2 2008-09-16 13:35 ..
> -r-xr-xr-x 1 andrew  staff     0 2008-09-16 13:25 test 
> However, there is no writable bit set anywhere.  chmod doesn't work,
> setting dirperms and fileperms in smbfs options didn't help either.  How
> else can I change permissions on this mount point?

Hi Andrew,

Since we don't parse CIFS ACLs yet, the ownership and perms
are all fictional.  By default, the perms on the root directory
are the same as the perms on the underlying directory.  We
support controls to override this - see mount_smbfs(1M) for the
'dirperms' and 'fileperms' options.  You'd use these in the
map the same way you're using uid and gid now.  The writes
will be done by the user which authenticated the connection
at mount time, so different Unix users who create files will
see that they're owned by the same user on the CIFS server.

Rob T
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