On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Can the cron jobs in the crontab be modified to run at different times?
> crontab -e

You can completely remove cediag (from crontab).  It is a utility for
analyzing Memory Errors, which based on a set of rules will report when
Dimms are becoming critical and should be replaced.  Running it manually
when you see CEs and/or UEs is acceptable.

cediag will put its results into the messages file if scheduled, or print a
report on the console if executed manually.  Whether you run it manually or
scheduled via cron you in any case have to monitor the messages file, as you
should be doing as part of best practices in any case.

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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