On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Bill Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     Is there a tool to display messages from the log file and alert me
>>    when there's an issue I should be paying attention to?
>> There are many such tools.  Look toward BMC Patrol, CA Unicenter/TNG, etc.
> I'm looking for a simple single user desktop tool.  Ideally, something
> that sat in the system tray / notification area of the Gnome desktop.

I think you should research this and select the solution which matches your
budget (disk space, CPU consumed, and money spent, as well as the amount of
time you want to spend administering the solution)

You should also find out why cediag is causing your system to run slowly.
Do you have exceptionally large /var/adm/messages files?

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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