On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Perfect.  Slight suggestion (I'm trying it out right now with an ON build for 
>>a >bugfix I've taken far too long to get taken care of) -- if DNS isn't going 
>>to be >used, could at least /etc/host entries be entered for certain 
>>opensolaris servers >(at least hg.opensolaris.org)? Since many projects are 
>>hosting their code there, >it'd make it slightly easier (I'm sure most can 
>>workaround it, but I'm all for least >surprise) for pulling the code over to 
> Haven't had reason to try it myself yet, but wouldn't it be cool to have
> a relatively simple menu script that would fetch most of what one needed
> (consolidations from svn or hg, onbld, etc) to complete the build environment
> for all the usual stuff?  And maybe even have it generate a script with the
> needed commands to build that?  That way, someone doesn't have to waste
> time doing the procedural stuff; they just select what they want to work on
> (which fetches the files and readies everything for them), edit away,
> and run the generated build script (which takes care of environment, knowing
> the appropriate next-level command to run, etc).  Maybe I'm underestimating
> the difficulty, but I don't _think_ that, at least for most of the more common
> cases (ON and project branches, X, JDS, SFW), that would be all that difficult
> to do.

Richard, it seems as if you were talking about the Natamar distro bulk.
Its purpose is exactly this.
Maybe you didn't see (all of) my earlier mails to distribution-discuss
and other lists:


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