Forgive me for the potentially stupid question below, but:

About month ago I submitted a bug on (6780852).

I received an email from the 'bug' system advising me that the
engineer was requesting more data.

So, onto the question - How exactly am I suposed to edit, add to, or
respond?  I've gone to the site, searched for the
bug (  But I
cannot find any way to edit/change or do anything else with it, other
than gaze upon it's bleakness.

Someone want to toss me a clue?

Happy cheese in fear                 | Jon Trulson
against oppressor, rebel!            |
Brocolli, hostage.       -Unknown    | 4E2A 697F 66D6 7918 B684
                                      | FEB6 4E98 16C1 25F8 A291

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