When: Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009
Where: Sun's Santa Clara Campus Mansion
       (SCA07 just across the road from the Auditorium)
 What: Marvin the Paranoid Android about to run OpenSolaris
 Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm

Yahoo Maps:


Some of you have seen the robot (Marvin[1]) which John Weeks started to
create, based on an iRobot/Roomba vacuum with an arduino on it. John has a
motion detector which is connected to the arduino, which in turn can
signal the Roomba. There has been some pondering on how we could get
OpenSolaris running on a motherboard which could be powered from the

John Weeks has acquired a small Intel based motherboard running an Atom
processor. This motherboard gets power from 12v and we can power the Atom
motherboard from the Roomba.

Join us this Thursday in the Mansion, to discuss how we can turn this
robot into a larger community project, which could help form a basis
to a reference platform to be used for robot competitions. Having a
standard reference platform based on the Roomba/Dirt-Dog, with a standard
set of devices. Where all involved would use similar hardware, but be able
to configure it to their desire, and fabricate their own robot.

Our plan is to run OpenSolaris on the robot, and use arduinos and other
small devices to connect and operate with the robot.

I was looking over SparkFun recently and see thereĀ“s quite a list of
devices that we can potentially support, and incorporate into Marvin,

Some of these devices would include:

 1) color light sensor
 2) heart rate sensor
 3) sound sensor
 4) fingerprint reader (a tad pricey at about $130, but available)
 5) temp sensor
 6) LCD/text display
 7) lights
 8) GPS
 9) compass
10) alcohol/gas sensor
11) accelerometer
12) camera
13) pressure sensor
14) humidity sensor
15) infrared
16) Xbee
17) magnetic card reader
18) motion sensor
19) membrane potentiometer
20) range finder

Some of the folks in the community have already bought and are using such
sensors/devices, and this project could be just the ticket to get involved
with others to explore where we can take it.


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group

[1] Marvin, the Paranoid Android is a fictional character in The
Hitchhiker? Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams.
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