thus Martin Bochnig spake:
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Timo Schoeler
<> wrote:
(fork of) OpenSolaris could take this place
and more. There were OpenSolaris, now it`s FreeSolaris :)

But let`s hope this will not happen.

Everything IBM touches is turned to gold, but loosing it`s
inspiration and, well, unix-way :)
Don't think so. Power is overwhelming :)

Do you think IBM would not immediately discontinue SPARC and so many
other then-redundant things (such as Netbeand, MySQL etc etc) in case
of a takeover?

There's OpenSPARC; there's Fujitsu; I don't see a problem here. Furthermore, imagine what could be there -- something like a Power/SPARC hybrid, which uses *both* ISAs? That would be a nice thing. Just as an option.

Is not an "overwhelming" offering?

Yupp. I just wanted to say that IBM is not the 'uncool' way of doing Unix. Power hardware rocks, as does AIX (after a certain time you need to get used to it); it's way better than 'not-proprietary' x86/Linux stuff (isn't x86 as much as proprietary as Power/SPARC/PA-RISC/MIPS/ARM/etc is? ;)...

Do you believe IBM would invest the resources necessary to port
OpenSolaris to power (in a proper manner, with usable results)?

I don't know. Why not? Furthermore, there's already the Polaris project...

Unlikely. Instead the would cut the pearls out of OpenSolaris and for
better or worse put them into AIX and LinUX.

I don't see how; it starts with licensing issues... and that's not the end, I could imagine a gazillion reasons why this won't happen. :)

From the way in which you argue you could also state "LinUX is

I surely don't and wouldn't do so, I'm a BSD addict; however, during the last years I became much less political in this regard, so... use the perfect fitting tool. Sometimes this even may be GNU/Linux.

> It sure is and many think so.

Maybe, maybe not.

But we are on a
Sun-OpenSolaris list here.

Sure; but discussion on this Sun/IBM thing wouldn't work without external influences and ingredients like this. It raises many many topics like 'continuing this or that CPU arch' or licensing issues etc...


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