You're stuck.

There's no clean-cut way to do what you want; you can't copy the VTOC over, 
because of the geometry mismatch.

The way to do what you want is with a combination of find(1) and cpio(1):

Assuming that the 500GB disk is mounted on /mnt,

( find / -mount -local -depth -print | cpio -pvdmu /mnt 1> /tmp/cpio.log) 2> 

will copy the files over; lathe, rinse, and repeat for every other filesystem 
you might have.  You'll also need to install the boot block on the 500GB disk, 
see installboot(1M) on sparc, respectively installgrub(1M) on the i86pc.

In other words, this is such a messy operation which has to be performed with 
the utmost attention to detail, that it's *cheaper* to just back up the data 
you need, if you have any, and reinstall the operating system.
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