John Brewer <> writes:

> ZFS Root Mirror

> This is a simple Tutorial how you can create a bootable ZFS Root
> Mirror with Opensolaris. I had some help from both
> Opensolaris-Forums (com/org) and this Blog from Malachi.
> And here we go with the Tutorial:

Yes, a nice tutorial... I think I landed it or it's cousin on line a
while ago.

> Making a bootable ZFS Root Mirror
> 1. Install Opensolaris to Disk A (c3d0s0).
> 2. Format Disk B (c3d1s0) properly:
> host:# format
> (choose fdisk)
> (create 100% Standard Solaris Partition over the full Disk)
> 3. Overwrite the Diskformat properly:
> host:# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c3d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c3d1s2
> (NOTE: s2! on BOTH Disks)

This is the part right here where there may be a snag.
In my case the disks were vastly different sizes so overwriting the
vtoc didn't seem like a good idea.

I has OS osol.11-109 on c3d1s0 but it was 25gb of a 60gb disk.
The mirror I inserted was a 500gb disk.

I skipped the overwrite part and basically did all the rest and on
Casper D s' advice rebooted once more after detaching the old disk.

attach step (mirror is showing 25gb like the base
  reboot  Mirror still showing 25gb.
detach step (mirror still showing 25gb)
  reboot  Single disk now shows 500gb (well 449)

   rpool       449G   81K  449G   1% /rpool

Now all is humpty dumpty with OS on the new 500gb disk.

When the other 500gb comes that I ordered... I'll insert it and mirror
up.  I'll have mirrored redundancy of a nice hefty rpool.

I'm not sure what would happen if I had overwritten the vtoc like you

You might consider finding out and edit that case into your tutorial.

I've about experimented myself into a dither already.

Its already a nice tutorial though.. good work.

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