On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Anon Y Mous <system5u...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Jennifer Pioch said:
>>If Jörg continues this path I'd propose to throw Mr. Jörg out of opensolaris.
> FYI: I don't think it's right for anybody to belittle or deprecate Joerg's 
> contributions to Solaris / OpenSolaris and to the broader community of 
> Unix-like operating systems (which includes Linux and BSD).
> Sure, Joerg may not be a core contributer of Nevada code the way guys like 
> Moinak Ghosh, Alan Coopersmith, Garret D'Amore, Dan Price, etc. etc. are, but 
> let's look at some of his contributions to the greater good here:
>  (1) He wrote the first free / opensource tar implementation in 1982.
>  (2) Did a partially complete Unix-like operating system for the Atari in 
> 1986 (a truly valiant effort, as I have a ColecoVision game console with Pong 
> and Donkey Kong on it rotting away in the attic somewhere and wouldn't mind 
> getting some kind of unix on it).
>  (3) He is the mastermind behind CDRTOOLS!!!! (including cdrecord, mkisofs, 
> cdda2wav, isodebug, rscsi, etc. etc.) Writing a multi-platform, multi-os cd / 
> dvd / blue ray software package like this is no minor undertaking. This is 
> not easy code to write, but rather true blue collar, back-breaking, "build 
> the great wall of china with your bear hands" style computer programming. 
> Think about that next time you burn a CD on a unix-like operating system.
>  (4) He created Schillix, the first bootable pure-OpenSolaris distribution 
> which was a major milestone and important "jump start" of momentum to get the 
> whole OpenSolaris ball rolling. See links below for more info:
>  http://schily.blogspot.com/2005/06/schillix-is-real-now.html
>  http://schily.blogspot.com/2005/05/first-pure-opensolaris-based-boot-cd.html
>  (5) He is heavily involved with berliOS, which has around 2,000 project, 
> 10,000 users and 4TB of downloads a month.
>  (6) He is an expert in writing drivers for high resolution scanners which is 
> an area that OpenSolaris really needs to improve in if it's ever going to 
> become a dominant enterprise desktop OS (compare the scanner support in 
> OpenSolaris to the scanner support in Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows and 
> you'll see why we need to improve here).
> Anyone else (including Joerg) feel free to add more numbers to this list.
> Other than that, I do think Joerg should perhaps be a little more flexible in 
> signing the contributer agreement to allow his code to be integrated into the 
> larger project. Star and cdrecord as good as they are, will disappear into 
> obscurity and disuse and will be inevitably be replaced by inferior products 
> if no one uses and distributes them because of real or perceived / imaginary 
> licensing and legal issues.
> That's my 20 cents ( zwei Schilling Münzen ? )

+2 andere Schilling coins      :)

Respectful regards,
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