> I have recognized a rather stupid bug in the GNOME
> desktop when switching between the en_US.UTF-8 locale
> and the en_US.UTF-8 locale. I think I can do a quick
> and dirty workaround by editing the .profile file
> (this matter is relatively urgent, at least for me,
> in light of the fact that the release of os0906 is
> just around the corner).
> But then I realized that, after a diligent search, I
> couldn't find any documentation that tells a curious
> user how the localization is done in OpenSolaris.
> More specifically, we are doing a great job of
> hiding the description of the process as to what
> happens after an OpenSolaris user chooses a specific
> locale during the GNOME login screen.
> Where is the %$&#%^% Documentation?

Basically the problem is as follows:

When you open the Home Folder using Nautilus, it shows two "Documents" entries 
in the left column (something fishy here). The first entry is hardwired to the 
"$HOME/Documents" folder, and the second entry is linked to the folder 
corresponding to whatever the translation for the word "documents" is in that 

If you use a non-English locale, the $HOME/Documents folder does not exist. 
Thus, when you click on the first entry (as we all have the tendency to do) to 
try to open a document, you will be admonished with an error message saying 
that the folder does not exist!

We can instruct our users to use the second entry instead. But that will make 
us look EXTREMELY stupid, and OpenSolaris VERY unprofessional.

Of course, if you are running the en_US locale, you will see nothing wrong, 
except you may (& most likely may not) wonder why the heck there need to be two 
identical entries.

This seems to point to a sad fact that very few people use non-English versions 
of OpenSolaris. But this is no excuse for us to be so sloppy--and so 
unprofessional. (I checked against Ubuntu; lo and behold, it contains only one 
entry, which is correctly translated and points to the correct folder.)
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