> And here are the results:
> > ::msgbuf
> ...
> panic[cpu1]/thread=ffffff0007899c60:
> BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ffffff0007899a30 addr=5ea228138 occurred 
> in
> module "nvidia" due to an illegal access to a user address
> sched:
> #pf Page fault
> Bad kernel fault at addr=0x5ea228138
> pid=0, pc=0xfffffffff7f39b7f, sp=0xffffff0007899b20, eflags=0x10297
> cr0: 8005003b cr4: 6f8
> cr2: 5ea228138
> cr3: 3c00000
> cr8: c
> rdi: ffffff01be42ead0 rsi: 6 rdx: 0
> rcx: 0 r8: ffffff01be42ead0 r9: 0
> rax: be42ead0 rbx: 0 rbp: ffffff01bafd8000
> r10: ffffff0007899a60 r11: fffffffffb827e60 r12: 6
> r13: 0 r14: ffffff01bafd5000 r15: ffffff0007899bb0
> fsb: 0 gsb: ffffff01bec41a80 ds: 4b
> es: 4b fs: 0 gs: 1c3
> trp: e err: 0 rip: fffffffff7f39b7f
> cs: 30 rfl: 10297 rsp: ffffff0007899b20
> ss: 38
> ffffff0007899910 unix:die+dd ()
> ffffff0007899a20 unix:trap+1752 ()
> ffffff0007899a30 unix:cmntrap+e9 ()
> ffffff01bafd8000 nvidia:_nv004189rm+1b ()
> syncing file systems...
> done
> dumping to /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump, offset 65536, content: kernel
> > $C
> ffffff01bafd8000 _nv004189rm+0x1b()
> So it seems that the latest NVIDIA driver could be the culprit?

(CC to xwindow-discuss added)

Yes, could be a problem with the nvidia kernel module.

You should run the nvidia-SunOS-bug-report.sh
script and attach the bug-report.log file that is
produces to the xwindow-discuss thread.

Are you using the nvidia module from build 111,
or did you download and install an nvidia driver
from nvidia's web site?

There also is a known problem with opengl in the 
build 111 nvidia support, see also this xwindow-disuss
thread for a workaround:


I'm not sure if the nvidia opengl issue could explain
this kernel panic...
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