> It tends to be applications driving the OS choice unless it supports multiple 
> OSes, 
> then performance/hardware costs become important and finally support costs.

half12, can you elaborate and give some examples of how applications drive the 
OS choice? I'm guessing that most DB2 / SAP shops would lean towards things 
like AIX and System Z Mainframes, but you don't have to use an IBM platform to 
run DB2. I've got customers in my datacenter who are running DB2 on Windows 
Server 2003, if you can believe that, and I think Microsoft themselves run SAP 
on Windows server platforms. And just because you run Oracle doesn't mean that 
you have to run Solaris, right? Oracle seems to be trying as hard as they can 
to cut all ties with Sun, even going so far

Ironically, enough, most Java shops I've seen don't seem to be running Solaris, 
although they probably SHOULD be running Solaris because Java seems to run 
subjectively faster on Solaris than on other operating systems to me (maybe the 
Solaris marketing team should focus on targeting Java shops that run CentOS and 
point out that Solaris support only costs $300 a year, which is cheaper than 
RHEL support). The reason that I think most Java shops aren't running purely 
100% Solaris is because Solaris needs better integration with IBM's Eclipse and 
with the "Spring Framework" if they want to attract all the JAVA developers 
(yes I personally like Netbeans IDE better, but Eclipse and the Spring 
Framework are what most younger programmers learned on when they were learning 
to program in the University and people feel most comfortable with what they 
know- old habits die hard- get people programming in Eclipse on Solaris first 
and then give them the sales pitch for Netbeans).

I also know for a fact that MySQL runs faster on Linux than on Solaris because 
of the kind of screwed up way in which Linux allocates memory. I read an 
article about it in a Sun engineers blog, can't remember the URL off the top of 
my head though.
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