[i]My alternative OS has so far never messed up my data *without the disk 

How can you be so sure? My experience shows that disk start to mess up data a 
long time before it starts really failing. For example on my last ThinkPad, I 
used it 3/4 year and got strange segfault in one app. I rebooted forced fsck 
and viola file was corrupted due to failed sector. That was 2 years before the 
point I decided to change the drive under the warranty conditions...

Today I rather run 2 drives in ZFS mirror configuration... I'm not sure it's 
safer, since I've already also seen file data corruption on it (search the 
forum for more info), but I still believe the guys use checksum correctly on it 
(if I do not get into those tricky low-space on pool conditions under which the 
corruption happen).

PS: my OS on thinkpad was Debian GNU/Linux.
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