This is the bug warned about in the announcement of build 112 that causes
the window manager to not be started on systems with Nvidia graphics - see
the announcement for the details and the workaround:

        -Alan Coopersmith- 
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

vuthecuong wrote:
> Hi all
> I did a Liveupgrade with ZFS from snv_103 to snv_112 "succefully " without 
> any problem by below commands:
> - lucreate -n snv_112
> - luupgrade -n snv_112 -u -s /media/SOL_11_X86
> - luactivate snv_112
> - init 6
> However, there is very strange problem:
> At any windows of currently openning application 
> (eg: staroffice, FF3, pidgin,opera, shell windows),
> the bar which is have minimize/maximize/close button (Sorry, my bad English)
> dissapeared.
> What's I'm wrong??? Could anyone help me.
> Btw I'm using nvidia card 8500G (But I dont think this is related to graphic).
> Thanks and regards
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