Paul Griffith writes:
> I am still seeing issues with VirtualBox 2.2.2 and nwam.

If you're seeing the 'dhcpagent' process spinning and consuming CPU
time, then it's very likely to be the same CR that I cited.  The fix
for that problem was just integrated yesterday.

> Running OS 2008.11, waiting for 2009.06 to hit release!

2008.11 is now ancient.  Unless you really have a need to stick with
that (a paid support contract would be a good reason), I'd suggest
moving over to the '' package authority.

It won't help right away with this problem -- unless you're willing to
build your own binaries, you'll need to wait for the fix to percolate
through the system; probably around 4 weeks -- but it'll certainly
allow you to pick up the fix as soon as it's available rather than
waiting many months between the 'stable' releases.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <>
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