> Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > For any of the dependencies, it should be obvious
> that the dependencies that
> > are valid for Solaris 8 need to be installed for
> Solaris 11 too as any 
> > blastwave package need to use the other probrams
> from it's own environment in 
> > order to behave reliably.
> It can also reduce reliability, if both the
> system-provided and blastwave
> versions of libraries end up linked into the same
> addresss space, and other
> libraries end up calling different versions than they
> expect, especially of
> things with unstable ABI's like OpenSSL, that may be
> used both by applications
> and by lower-level libraries called by the
> applications.

The blastwave ELF executables typically are compiled with -R /opt/csw/bin
(possibly followed by other stuff), so they will favor their own version, which
they were compiled with, which keeps them stable.  I checked what I had;
something like 651 of the 674 ELF executables in /opt/csw/bin were like that.
Perhaps the others didn't need non-generic dependencies; I didn't check that
far, nor can I speak for the ones I don't have installed.  Just trying to make
the point that it appears that they generally were sensible about this, to
the extent one can be if one wishes to produce packages that will work with
for example Solaris 8 onward.  (It also appears that similar numbers hold for
files /opt/csw/lib*.so.*, so that their libraries will favor their own versions 

Unless someone uses crle to add /opt/csw/lib to the default search path ahead
of the usual places (which should _not_ be done and which there should be no
reason to do), existing non blastwave binaries should be fine.

If one compiles one's own with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LD_RUN_PATH set, that's
on one's own head.

The point has been made before that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is generally _not_ a good
idea anyway.

One additional thing I can think of to be aware of is all the *-config scripts 
/opt/csw/bin.  If one has /opt/csw/bin ahead of /usr/bin or /usr/sfw/bin or 
when building something that uses one of those scripts, one should realize that
it may cause one to link with the blastwave versions of the libraries; and one 
or may not need an additional -R/opt/csw/lib to consistently favor their 

As long as people building software themselves are careful, I would expect 
to be reasonably rare.

Blastwave does appear to have a bug reporting mechanism.  Given that they appear
to have been reasonably careful to do the right thing with dependencies (for the
objective of packages that were portable from Solaris 8 onward), I would suppose
that, for actively maintained packages, that should be enough that some might 
reasonably comfortable using their software as needed.

In the very long run, I'd like to see the experience that went into creating the
blastwave packages expressed in terms of pkgbuild spec files or pkgsrc recipes,
so that leaner dependencies for specific versions of Solaris could be 
on a distributed basis.  (although the few times I've tried to use SFE, I must 
have had the magic combination of SXCE version, JDS CBE version, SFE files, etc,
because I've never had much luck getting anything complex to build)
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