I installed OpenSolaris 2009.06 today with little to no problems. Before doing 
this I exported my zpool to of course import it back once the install finished. 
This process went well, but I have noticed that my snapshot directories are now 
owned by 100:other. With them being read-only I can not simply chown them. Is 
there a simple way to fix this?

One last thing that I noticed was the presence of a file or directory, I am 
really not sure because it does not appear when doing an ls -al, called shares 
under the .zfs directory. This entry is right next to the snapshot directory. 
Cat returns "cat: cannot stat shares: Operation not supported" and vim simply 
says "[readonly][READ ERRORS]". I am not to worried about whatever this is, but 
I am curious as to what it is. Does it have anything to do with the share 
attributes for zfs, ie. sharesmb, sharenfs?

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