> > sata1/1 is the si card and is the one that the dvd
> is plugged into.
> Yep.
> Would it help if you use cfgadm -c disconnect
> sata1/1, 
> followed by cfgadm -c connect sata1/1 and
> cfgadm -c configure sata1/1 ?
> Are there any error messages logged to
> /var/adm/messages
> when you use the above commands?
> Maybe the bios does some sort of sata port
> initialization
> when booting from the sata dvd writer, that allows
> solaris
> to "see" the drive.  And when you boot from hdd,
> that
> sata optical device initialization isn't done, and
> the
> silicon image driver has problems to identify the
> device?

I have tried to disconnect and reconnect without success. 
I think I will try moving to the other port. or move the dvd to the onboard 
SATA and see if that helps.
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