On 23/06/2009 18:57, Shawn Walker wrote:
On Jun 23, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Georg-W. Koltermann wrote:

I must be stupid.  Or the tool is crap for merging.  Similar findings
(perhaps more polite) at http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/Meld

I enjoy it for diffing, but merging...

I wish for a better tool myself, but it is the best I have found at the moment (which is sad).

I just tried it out of interest, and it makes a nice side-by-side diff program, but it looks completely unusable for merging. Have you looked at emacs Tools->Merge->Files... and Files with Ancestor... not as pointy-clicky maybe, but a really good merging tool.


E-Mail: rob.mcma...@warwick.ac.uk               PHONE:  +44 24 7652 3037
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