As most of the documentation is in Japanese I don't understand what makes
Midoris any different a Wine distribution than say Crossover or you happen to have any information?

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:16 AM, Anon Y Mous <> wrote:

> OK, the last new killer game-changing application in OpenSolaris was time
> slider, which made it's debut in 2008.11, well now Jaris (the Japanese
> Solaris distro) seems to have this new Wine-like tool already set up that
> makes it VERY easy for clueless new users with no previous UNIX experience
> to use all of their already purchased, pre-existing Microsoft Windows
> software inside OpenSolaris. I've added a link below, which I'm hoping
> points to an English translation of the Japanese documentation done by
> Google:
> Is there any chance we can get this "Midoris" feature included by default
> in one of the upcoming releases of Sun's official OpenSolaris Indiana
> distribution (so we all aren't forced to switch from Indiana to Jaris to get
> this feature pre-installed by default), or is there a licensing issue that
> prohibits this?
> Compiling Wine from source and then trying to get everything patched
> together back in my 2008.05 days was a real pain. I say we take Thunderbird
> or some other app that's eating space off from the upcoming 2010.02 release
> and put Midoris on the live CD-ROM so that I can make a live CD demo of
> TimeSlider + Midoris + CIFS that will impress the heck out of my customers.
> OpenSolaris as it is right now is just a mere curiosity for a lot of IT
> people that involves words they don't understand like "dtrace" and "smf".
> The very first question people in small business IT shops ask when I show
> them OpenSolaris is "will Photoshop or Microsoft Outlook or Quickbooks or
> ACT! or Crystal Reports or Epicore or Microsoft Word or [insert name of
> Windows app here] run on OpenSolaris?" And when I tell them it probably
> won't without hours of pain and suffering trying to port some unstable Linux
> Wine environment over from Linux to Solaris, that usually ends their
> interest in OpenSolaris and the end result is thousands of dollars in
> potential Solaris support contracts lost forever to Redmond.
> Now if I could walk in to Microsoft IT shops and just give them the live CD
> and tell them to boot it up and tell them that all their Windows apps will
> work seamlessly without them having to install or compile anything, AND show
> them what ZFS does, AND get the live OpenSolaris CD to join the Windows work
> group and share files over CIFS at the click of the button. If we can do all
> that, then I guarantee you that there will be a massive tectonic shift to
> OpenSolaris almost overnight (I'm talking exponential growth and exponential
> increase in revenues for Sun via support contracts). Millions of people are
> looking for something to switch to instead of Windows Vista, and OpenSolaris
> could be it! Please don't let this opportunity pass us by!
> The key to make OpenSolaris successful in small businesses environments is
> to make it inter-operate with CISCO and Microsoft products better than Linux
> does. Make OpenSolaris inter-operate with the already established Microsoft
> IT base of millions of desktop computers hooked up into an Active Directory
> powered by CISCO routers and switches that exists in many businesses today
> and there is no way that Red Hat Linux will be able to complete. OpenSolaris
> will dominate and become the enterprise OS of choice. Computer hardware
> manufacturers will all embrace OpenSolaris because ZFS performs better with
> more RAM (and the hard ware manufacturers are looking for an excuse to up
> sell the customer to a more powerful computer) and Sun and all the people
> who worked so hard on OpenSolaris will benefit immensely from this new found
> success.
> What do you guys think? Midoris in the next version of OpenSolaris?
> Yes or No?
> --
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