Matthew Stevenson wrote:
> General question to anyone: why is there a bugster AND a bugzilla for 
> opensolaris? Do they serve different purposes?

bugster is Sun's internal bug tracking system, which was in place many years
before Sun decided to open source Solaris.   It contains 25+ years worth of
history for all Sun products, customer data, confidential information, data
about encumbered code which cannot be opened, etc.   It's also entirely inside
the Sun firewall, as is required for securely storing all that information. allows a filtered view of a subset of that data and
provides a way to submit new bugs to it, but doesn't support people outside
the firewall updating bugs, owning them, or doing anything beyond submitting
and reading/searching them.

After long evaluation of the options, it was decided that instead of trying to
write additional code to expand the limited public access to bugster to allow
for community development, it was better to just start over with a bugzilla bug
db, which was set up as   We should be working through a
transition process to use d.o.o's bugzilla as the primary bug tracker, but the
bulk of the transition has been delayed, so right now bugzilla is currently
mainly used by projects under development, and teams like GNOME/Mozilla with
less history and encumbered code to deal with in the old bug db.

        -Alan Coopersmith- 
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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