Matthew Stevenson stated:
< The log file has 4 lines for each time the system boots, for example:
< [ Jul 17 22:00:33 Enabled. ]
< [ Jul 17 22:01:08 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-al start"). ]
< hal failed to start: error 1
< [ Jul 17 22:01:16 Method "start" exited with status 95. ]
< So about 35 seconds after it is enabled the start method runs, and then 8 
seconds later it exits unsuccessfully.
< As I mentioned in another reply further down, if I try to start hal manually 
I get a segmentation fault almost immediately after running the command (well, 
immediately in terms of seconds, but hal does make some progress in detecting 
quite a few devices before it quits)

  Can you get a pstack from the core ?
    # pstack core.hald

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