| On 2009-08-11 14:30:50, Shawn Walker wrote:
| Peter Tribble wrote:
| >If there was a Solaris 11 based on SXCE released, I would just roll
| >it out and stand a good chance of using its strengths to increase its
| >usage. Gain the new technologies, easy to deploy, compatible with
| >both the software and administrative frameworks we already have.
| >With OpenSolaris, it's frankly not ready for testing let alone deployment.
| I've been using OpenSolaris 200x releases as my day-to-day desktop since 
| developer preview 1 and have not used SXCE since then.  It also has 
| worked well on two different latpops (both very new).
| It all depends on what your deployment and usage requirements are.

Yes, it does. And the majorty of people relating their ambivalence about
pushing OpenSolaris into production in the near future are talking about
servers. In our datacenters. And convincing our bosses that it's a good idea to
so do.

The whole tone of this thread are sysadmins being wary of unproven change.  We
don't care if it runs on your laptop. Are you being disingenuous on purpose or
just not paying attention?
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