On 12/08/2009, at 8:08 AM, Octave Orgeron wrote:
I totally agree with you on this. I don't know why Sun doesn't just make a cut of SXCE and call it Solaris 11. I mean if customers can't migrate from Solaris to OpenSolaris, then what's the point in a market where Sun/Oracle needs to turn a profit? It's bad enough that one would have to go backward over a decade in Jumpstart capabilities and use AI to deploy OpenSolaris on servers. That alone would turn major customers away since it would be too painful to deploy, let alone impossible to upgrade to. Hell, just think about all the folks out there with S10 zones already deployed.

It would make more sense to take things from Indiana and integrate them into S11. Have SVR4 and IPS together until S12. Then make the split to IPS as the primary with all OS components and addons in IPS format.

Besides making the transition to OpenSolaris won't happen for serious paying customers until the certifications of all the top- tier apps happens. Without that, OpenSolaris won't be adopted.

We're not expecting serious paying customers to transition to OpenSolaris - it's a completely different product to Solaris in the sense that it moves far quicker, containers the latest versions of software that people are using on a daily basis, and is essentially the testing ground for some pretty excellent innovation (COMSTAR, Crossbow being just two of the features that have landed in OpenSolaris first). Solaris 10 (and updates) continues to provide the robust operating system that the serious paying customers need.

I'd love to see OpenSolaris(Indiana) move forward and replace S10. But it's missing some very important things:

1. Commercial buy-in from ISVs
2. Easy upgrade path from S10
3. Enterprise quality deployment model (AI flavored JET integrated??)
4. Guarantee that apps will continue to work (appcert??)
5. Focus on Enterprise Use (Focus on desktop doesn't help non- developers)

These are all very important things from a Solaris next perspective. We are well aware of them and our need to fill those gaps in future.

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